Elevating Mouse Anesthesia to the Quality of Our Other Species: Lessons from the Last Four Years of Research

Presented by
James Marx DVM, PhD, DACLAM

In this presentation, we discussed information published in the last four years on mouse anesthesia, with the intent of enabling researchers to improve the quality of their anesthetic techniques.

Watch the webinar →


The Use of Performance Standards in the AAALAC Accreditation Process

Presented by
Javier Guillén, DVM

In this session, the use of performance standards by AAALAC International and institutional animal care and use programs, in general, will be discussed, as an example to follow for professionals and institutions participating in the AAALAC accreditation program or just willing to implement effective practices.

Working with Difficult Personalities

Presented by
Laura A. Conour, DVM, DACLAM
Pamela Straeter, MS, RLATG, CMAR, CPIA

Do you have a PI, colleague, or employee who you just dread working with? Is your day ruined when you see this person looming in the door of your office and stomping into your personal space? Have you tried deep breathing exercises but still find yourself grinding your teeth after a totally non-productive encounter? Are you starting to ask yourself, “is it me?” If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these questions, then this topic should appeal to you!

Does Your Occupational Health Program Need a Shot in the Arm?

Presented by
Timothy D. Mandrell, DVM, DACLAM
Mildred Montgomery Randolph, DVM, DACLAM

Occupational Health and Safety Programs (OHSP) have historically presented a challenge for animal care and use programs across the spectrum of organizations. Successful OHSP do not just happen. They require strategic training and coordination from several stakeholders.

Corynebacterium bovis: New Insights, Extraordinary Challenges

Presented by
Neil S. Lipman, VMD

Corynebacterium bovis (Cb), the etiology of “Corynebacterium-associated hyperkeratosis (CAH)”, is an insidious organism that has and continues to pose significant challenges to institutions using immunodeficient mouse models in oncology and other scientific disciplines.

Disaster, Contingency, and Business Recovery Planning for Animal Facility Cage Wash Operations

Presented by
Nirah H. Shomer, DVM, PhD, DACLAM

Laboratory animal programs are complex organizations with multiple and diverse components —veterinary services, husbandry, facilities, logistics, vendor management, and customer service which all require individual and group skills to execute effectively.

Vision, Mission, Strategy

Presented by
Jeetendra Reddy Eswaraka, BVSc, PhD, DACLAM, ECFVG

Laboratory animal programs are complex organizations with multiple and diverse components —veterinary services, husbandry, facilities, logistics, vendor management, and customer service which all require individual and group skills to execute effectively.